All Replacement Parts by Marus in Handpiece Blocks and Accessories
7 Result Found
PN 4430
HP Tri-Block DiaphragmHP Tri-Block Diaphragm
- Consistent flow control for handpiece pressure adjustments
- Higher output due to improved airflow
- Longer lasting diaphragm
- No internal cross-over of air or water
PN 4433
HP Quad-Block DiaphragmHP Quad-Block Diaphragm
- Consistent flow control for handpiece pressure adjustments
- Higher output due to improved airflow
- Longer lasting diaphragm
- No internal cross-over of air or water
PN 7321
HP Muffler and Oil CollectorHP Muffler and Oil Collector
- Can be mounted through frame for removal from outside control head
- Will handle up to four handpieces
- Minimum back pressure
- Compact size to fit inside control head
- Filter media is standard cotton swab material
PN 4421
Automatic HP Tri-BlockTri-Block w/ Std. Adjustment Screws
- Works with normally closed automatic handpiece holders
- Consistent flow control for handpiece pressure adjustments
- Higher output due to improved airflow
- Longer lasting diaphragm
- No internal cross-over of air or water
- Tri-Block dimensions: 2 3/8" x 1 1/2" x 1"
PN 4425
Automatic HP Quad-BlockHP Quad-Block w/Std. Adjustment Screws
- Used on DCI Edge Series 4/5 Delivery Systems
- Works with normally closed automatic handpiece holders
- Consistent flow control for handpiece pressure adjustments
- Higher output due to improved airflow
- Longer lasting diaphragm
- No internal cross-over of air or water
- Quad-Block dimensions, 3 1/8" x 1 1/2" x 1"
PN 4427
Automatic HP Quin-BlockQuin-Block w/ Std. Adjustment Screws
- Works with normally automatic handpiece holders
- Consistent flow control for handpiece pressure adjustments
- Individual drive air adjustment screws
- Higher output due to improved airflow
- Longer lasting diaphragm
- No internal cross-over of air or water
- Quin-Block dimensions: 3 3/4" x 1 1/2" x 1"
PN 4426
HP Tri-block Mounting BracketMounting Bracket
- Used on DCI Edge Series 4/5 Delivery Systems
- Works with normally closed automatic
- Consistent flow control for handpiece pressure adjustments
- Higher output due to improved airflow
- Longer lasting diaphragm
- No internal cross-over of air or water